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Bats of the Burren webinar - 8pm Wednesday 11 August

The Burren is famous worldwide for its flora but it is also home to some fascinating fauna, not least of which are bats. The limestone caves of the Burren are winter hibernation sites for the rare lesser horseshoe bat but pipistrelles, brown long-eareds, Daubenton’s and Leisler’s bats are all found in or close to the Burren. In this talk VWT's Kate McAney will introduce these species and provide some tips on how to spot their roosting sites and feeding areas.
This talk is organised by Burrenbeo Trust, and the registration link for this talk will be emailed to Burrenbeo members and members of Butterfly Conservation Ireland. To sign up to be a Burrenbeo member please visit the Burrenbeo Trust.
This will be a 40-minute talk by the guest speaker followed by a Q&A session. Attendees are able to text in their questions via the Q&A box in their Zoom panel. To view recordings of previous online talks, please visit Burrenbeo’s YouTube channel.