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Together we can make a difference


Report a sighting

If you have seen a pine marten in England, Wales or Scotland, please fill in the form below. Please note If you report a sighting to VWT, we may share the details of the sighting (date, species, location and description) with third parties such as local biological records centres. We will not share your name or contact details with any third parties.



Since the first innovative translocation of pine martens developed and delivered by Vincent Wildlife Trust (2014-2017), this rare mammal is slowly returning to its former ranges. To ensure these populations thrive, a new phase of pine marten conservation is underway to engage and work with local communities to improve habitats; increase knowledge and understanding; and to monitor the progress of this native carnivore. Your support is vital for this new era of pine marten conservation.


Volunteer with us

Martens on the Move offers a range of volunteer opportunities across 12 counties within the two Strategic Recovery Areas, which are across the Scottish/English and the Welsh/English borders. These opportunities include making and installing pine marten den boxes; monitoring den boxes using trail cameras; as well as helping to improve habitats for pine martens.

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